Elli Pace, MS, RD, LD, Menu Consultant

Elli is a former Dietetics Educator with the State of Kentucky. She has experience providing guidance to school food authorities participating in federal child nutrition programs to ensure compliance with meal pattern guidelines. Elli provides technical assistance with menu-planning and compliance both for Pro•Team School Menu solutions clients and through education and training sessions offered to foodservice directors and staff across the region.

What I love about my work:
One of my favorite things about partnering with school nutrition teams is finding creative ways to connect with adult learners—particularly with the front line staff. When someone has an "Ah-ha!" moment, I know am doing my part to "Feed Them Babies" (Kentucky's unofficial Child Nutrition Slogan) by supporting the staff who are out there every day making sure that bellies stay full.”

Fun fact:
In the Coke versus Pepsi competition, Elli is a solid "No Thank You!" She proudly notes, “I have never had a Coke or a Pepsi—or even a Mountain Dew or an Ale-8-One! I just don’t like bubbles.”

Jean Kindem