Purchase high quality food and be fiscally responsible with your federal dollars
provide nutritious, healthy, safe meals through responsible procurement
Everyone knows that the job of a school meal program is to provide nutritious, healthy, safe meals using quality food products. Co-ops by nature are a group of individuals or groups that collectively pool their resources in order to purchase the highest quality product at an affordable price. The question is: how does one go about finding or creating a co-op in your state that is well versed and understands the complexities of school meal programs?
This is where Pro•Team can help.
Our foodservice experts understand co-op procurement and the importance of not only finding responsive and responsible bidders, but also knowing how to manage a co-op contract. We specialize in managing not only the food, dairy, and bakery bids, but USDA donated food dollars as well. We can help you establish a co-op member owned group and navigate the tangled web of procurement rules and regulations.
We also have the benefit of working across states, and across a wide variety of districts and can bring both best practice and best results when building your consortium. Through shared tools and administrative resources, our team can help your consortium focus on the important work of providing delicious and cost-effective meals (as well as supplies and equipment) for your students.
Take a look below at our current partners.
Contact us to learn more about how we can connect you to likeminded individuals who value purchasing high quality food and being fiscally responsible with your federal dollars.
Catherine Antczak
1-844-662-3767, Ext. 101
our co-op partners:
Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative (KPC)
KPC provides bidding and procurement services to over 750 members across 13 states and the District of Columbia. These members look to us to provide the best value in purchasing while meeting the legal requirements of the Kentucky model procurement code (KRS 45A.345 to 45A.460). Through the power of group purchasing, KPC members often benefit from lower pricing on items they would already purchase.
School Purchasing and Resource Consortium – Michigan (SPARC)
Healthy children build healthy communities, and healthy meals build healthy kids. SPARC, The School Purchasing and Resource Consortium, was developed by food service directors who joined together as a team to help provide the freshest, healthiest and tastiest meals for students, at the best possible value.